Driehonderd jaar Wohltemperierte Klavier
Waar een halfjaarlijkse stembeurt bij onze moderne piano volstaat, moest het klavecimbel – het gangbare toetseninstrument rond 1700 — telkens gestemd worden alvorens het bespeeld kon worden. De eerste methode van stemming leidde echter tot onlogisch klinkende reeksen tonen met onzuivere intervallen. Toen men een manier van stemmen had ontdekt waarmee dit verholpen werd, zag […]

Holiday Greetings 2020
Dear Friends and Colleagues around the world, Happy Holidays to you and your families! There is great hope as we enter 2021. We wish you safe, healthy, happy holidays now, and with the prospect of happy times ahead. Let us play music for a seasonable time! Whatever it may be—a carol, a sonata, or a favorite popular […]
Teacher evaluation copies!
Order Your Teachers Copies with 50% reduction! As a piano teacher you can order your own evaluation copies with 50% reduction! Both books from level 1 are free! You can order all other books with 50% reduction! This offer is for 1 copy of each book per teacher. Click here to order your books!
Frozen—Then Springtime
A message from Randall Faber: Nancy and I join you and many around the world during this unsettling “lockdown” defense against the pandemic. Cancellation of international travel, cancellation of conventions, cancellation of schools—and now our lessons? Please know that the Piano Adventures community is here for your support. We have tools to keep you going, […]

Holiday Greetings from Nancy and Randall Faber!
Once again we arrive at this special time of year. We send to you and your students our warmest holiday wishes! Let’s imagine we are all chatting around the table drinking hot cocoa: What kind of fun things do you and your students do this month? Do you have a favorite holiday song to teach? […]
Piano Adventures Receives 2018 MTNA Pedagogy Award
We are pleased to announce that Piano Adventures® by Nancy and Randall Faber has been selected as the recipient of the MTNA Frances Clark Keyboard Pedagogy Award for 2018. The method was selected by members of the Frances Clark Center Board of Directors and ratified by the MTNA Board of Directors at its winter meeting. […]
Synergy at Level 1
There is much to share with our beginning students. With limited lesson time, how do we maximise results? Fortunately, Level 1 presents three elements of pedagogy that have exponential value when taught in combination. Varied fingerings to develop note-reading skill Arm weight for tone production and technique A braced third finger for a round hand […]